Pertaining to a semiconductor device in which both majority and minority carriers are present. 用于修饰或说明其中既有多数载流子又有少数载流子的半导体器件。
Air Hong Kong, a freight airline majority owned by Cathay, flies alongside Cathay and Dragonair on routes to Taipei and Tokyo, both routes that are limited to three Hong Kong carriers. 香港华民航空(airhongkong)是国泰控股的一家货运公司,它和国泰与港龙一起执飞香港至台北、香港至东京的线路。
The conductivity type ( defining the nature of the majority carriers) and resistivity are found at the seed, middle and tang end of the rod; 电导率型(确定的性质,大多数运营商)和电阻率都发现了种子,初中和堂结束杆;
The response of majority carrier trap under the forward bias low-injection pulse and the ratio of the capture constants of the two kinds of carriers 正向小注入脉冲下多子陷阱响应和两种载流子俘获率之比
This equation is deduced from the cylindrical symmetry solution of Poisson's equation in combination with the boundary condition of the field limiting ring, with the assumption that the barrier of majority carriers formed around the rings is lower than leV and can be neglected. 此理论系根据泊松方程的圆柱对称解结合场限环的边界条件得来,其中假设了场限环在其周围形成的多子势垒小于1电子伏而可略去。
Nonsaturated Filling of Edge Region by Majority Carriers and the Theory and Practice of the Profile Measurement of Deep Center in Semiconductor 在多数载流子对边区作非饱和填充的条件下测量深中心分布的理论与实践
When the majority of carriers had lower mobility, the carriers were easy to get injection and transport, and the device efficiency could be improved. 结果表明,复合效率受载流子迁移率影响较大,在器件中多数载流子应具有较低的迁移率,而少数载流子应具有较高的迁移率,这样有利于载流子的注入和传输,从而可提高发光效率。